Together, we can

Build a world where all genders are equal.

Our Impact

We are working on improving the lives of people through direct practice.

MBGE has implemented the MONNA TIA campaign with understanding that during the course of the implementation of the project there must be initiatives that are responsive to emerging issues in Gender Based Violence and most importantly, robust enough to mitigate them. 



Gender-based violence is the most common human rights violation in the Southern African Development Community region, including in Botswana. Over 37 percent of women in Botswana reported experiencing some form of violence in their life time and 30 percent of men reported perpetuating gender-based violence. This is according to the recently launched Botswana National Relationship Study. The high prevalence of gender-based violence in Botswana indicates the need to develop programs and strategies to support the active engagement of men and boys as beneficiaries of and stakeholders of gender equality. Meaningful engagement of men and boys can lead to positive changes in attitudes, perceptions and behaviours that benefit women and children, especially towards the creation of violence free communities.

What We Do

Our projects are aligned to national and international instruments such as legal acts, international commitments to end Gender Based Violence and prior and ongoing campaigns not only to operate within expected standards but to also bring different perspectives in ending Gender Based Violence.​

Result 1

A GBV communication campaign developed and implemented 

Result 2

Design and production of specific information, education and communication materials to enhance child protection across various platforms

Result 3

GBV focused Community outreach actions

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
0 K+
Assisted People
0 +
Funds Raised
P 0 +
Brand Ambassadors
5 +
Our Partners